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File Simple Service Starter Service Starter is a script based on Ubuntu, encompassing all essentials to initiate your services effortlessly with a single command! Employ the script to your advantage and tailor it to your preferences as needed!
Filesize: 91.7 kB
File Pterodactyl Panel Installer Pterodactyl® presents itself as a free, open-source game server management panel, developed using PHP, React, and Go. With a focus on security, it ensures the isolation of game servers through Docker containers, all while providing an intuitive and visually appealing user interface. Utilize our installation script to swiftly set up the panel and delve into gaming with a professional touch starting today!
Filesize: 118 kB
File PufferPanel Installer PufferPanel is a user-friendly and readily installable open-source game server management panel. It's tailored to make server management effortless. PufferPanel boasts compatibility with a variety of platforms including Minecraft, Forge, Spigot, Sponge, Source Dedicated Servers, BungeeCord, PocketMine, and more. Utilize our installation script to swiftly set up the panel and dive into gaming with professional ease today!
Filesize: 69 kB
File phpMyAdmin Installer phpMyAdmin is a complimentary software utility scripted in PHP, designed for web-based management of MySQL. It facilitates a broad spectrum of tasks on both MySQL and MariaDB databases. Commonly used functions, such as database and table management, user permissions, and more, are easily accessible via the intuitive interface. Moreover, users retain the flexibility to execute SQL commands directly. Utilize our installation script to swiftly set up the panel and kickstart your professional database management journey today!
Filesize: 1.33 kB
File Pterodactyl Remover (Panel, Wings, MySQL Databases, & Web-Server) The Pterodactyl Remover script effectively eliminates all components associated with the Pterodactyl Panel, including the Panel itself, Wings, any created databases, and the Apache2 web server. Employ this script when embarking on a clean slate with your Pterodactyl installation!
Filesize: 91.4 kB